"JPGs Against Humanity" (JPGAH) is an episodic documentary film series sharing parallels to the popular Netflix show "Chef's Table". This series will specifically target an audience who have little knowledge of web3/NFTs/crypto, but have a love of art/travel/history. Episodes will dive deep into the emotional stories of NFT artists around the world who have found relief from their traumas and inner demons in web3 communities. Those traumas include mental health issues, addictions, and financial insecurities.
It will focus on stories of inspiring artists and deeply-flawed humans who, because of NFT sales, have escaped abusive relationships, avoided suicidal thoughts, migrated their families out of war-torn countries, and much more.
Web3 education is frequently cited as a critical need, given the high barrier of entry. Other educational materials fail to resonate and onboard new users because they lack an emotional hook or call to action powerful enough to motivate an audience to take action.
"First-world" countries are oblivious to the financial struggles that come with living in less privileged parts of the world. As of 2021, an estimated 1.6 billion people had no access to banks or any financial products, and were living in countries where the daily income can be as low as $5/day. For them, the ability to engage with an ecosystem in which a piece of artwork can be sold for $20 and those funds received instantly in a wallet could be life-changing.
NFTs in their current state have a negative stigma attached, brought on by an abundance of influencer-driven scams. If they are to be taken seriously, we must inject more positivity by highlighting the stories of how blockchain art has lifted people from their own personal hell... because we are never alone in our struggles, and these stories can help.
“The camera is arguably one of the most important of all inventions… it is the single tool that has the ability to stop time, record history, generate art, tell stories and communicate messages that transcend language like nothing else ever conceived.” (Jim Jannard, founder of RED Digital Cinema)
Film offers a compelling educational medium. Through cinema, we can take important web3 concepts and weave them discretely into tales of emotion in which we can feel connected to the creators who have become evangelists of the artistic renaissance unfolding before us.
NFTs offer innovative solutions to many issues that artists encounter in the traditional offline world. "JPGAH" will add much needed context and perspective by educating people on these concepts in a subtle manner; that is to say, they'll be wrapped up in stories of art, culture, and history, which are much more digestible and relatable to the average person.
By applying a magnifying glass to the under-developed countries where NFTs continue to make a monumental impact, viewers can better understand the big "why?" when considering the motives behind this paradigm shift.
According to the American Film Market, documentaries featuring "an in-built audience and/or powerful stories" and budgeted between $500k and $3 million stand a high chance of breaking out. This series is intended for acquisition and distribution by a streaming platform.